Saturday, June 30, 2007

The end of the beginning- not the beginning of the end

OHMFG. I just watched RvB Episode 100, the last on good ol' blood gulch. OMFG. They cliff-hung it! I mean, not really but sorta. And after so much briiliant RvB-ness, I gotta say, the ending's kinda dissapointing. I'm not sure if it's because it was actually bad or because I was really hoping that this episode would wrap everything up and this left alot of unanswered questions. Is Tex really dead? Is Andy? Sheila? Tucker's kid? The alien? Omega? Lopez?!?

And why the hell doesn't Griff die? I mean, he got shot in the head and someone dropped a stalagtite on him! The last bit was cute though, the convo where everyone's talking on XBox live. Though it suggests that Donut isn't as gay as we've always made him out to be... bizzare.

Well, I suppose the good thing is there's enough questions that the next season is definetely going to have to link to this. Though it'll be interesting to see if they use Valhalla (shit, can't remember how to spell it.) from Halo three. And it'll hopefully be sufficient excuse that no nit-pickers amongst the fans will whine about the change in animation.

It's kinda funny; I was watching this documentary on video games on Discovery the other day and they interviewed Burnie about RvB as an example of machinima

Wow, just... wow. Though it makes me think, why is it these "rebel" and "by-passing the system" types of expression are considered successful only when they get accepted by the system? You get the same thing for webcomics and to a certain extent blogs. The pinnacle of success for these mediums is when they're embraced by the very institutes they circumvented. (Not that RvB's team hates Bungie or anything like that- Bungie's too cool for that. I mean, come on, Halo) But I'm just sayin' that's how it feels. I might be reading too much into this but hey, that's the beauty of blogging: legitimate-being-a-total-moron. Viva la revolution!

Class CIP today. We stuffed Maurice and Sam into a neoprint booth. I hope we haven't traumatised them too badly... Ironically, it was Sam's suggestion... If I can get one of the better pics scanned, I'll pop it up. :)

Ugh, Heores season finale next Wednesday. Call me old-fashioned but I'd rather wait a week for each episode than get the entire season on downlaod at one-shot. The suspense means alot in the exprience, yanno? I mean, that's why we watch movies in the theatre rather than wait for DVD. And that's why a hand-qritten letter means so much more than an e-mail, a phone-call more than an SMS, a hand-made card more than a store-bought one and a home-cooked meal much more than a the finest restaurant food. Because even if we are slaves to convenience, there still remains the vestiges of some old-world sentimentality and appreciation for that personal touch.

Did a quizz I found on Red's blog:

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Three strikes, you're out

Two days posting in a row- something I've not done since the 'new blog' rush wore off. Personally I blame the sudden system of shock of having a life and human interaction with peers again after having spent a month like a hermit.

The main reason I wanted to post was to recount a nice little episode during GP today.

So the teacher finally returns us the GP resource books she's been spot marking for the last three months- and only to about four of us since she hasn't actually marked the rest. Turning to a bunch of us, she asks us to explain how we selected our articles because she thought we a did a good job.

Teacher: Shi Mei, could you explain to the class how you selected your GP articles?

Me: (looking totally blank and clueless because I approach most GP assignments the way one does furniture in the dark) Uh, I have no idea. I just grab what looks good. (Behind me Grace is nodding furiously in agreement)

Teacher: (with one of those internal sighs) Alright, Tian Zhi, how did you choose your articles?(Now if there's one guy in class who's got a study plan, it's Tian Zhi and his resource book is pretty awe-inspiring)

Tian Zhi: I just choose what looks good.

Strike two. The teacher than turns to the last chap who can usually be counted on for a sensible reply in GP pleads.

Teacher: Afdhal, how do you choose your articles?

Afdhal: Oprah and movies!

pwned. I knew I loved this class for a reason. Incidentally, this may be why our class so utterly flops at GP discussions of late.

Monday, June 25, 2007

The hard way

So, in the last week, my boring non-existent life has suddenly picked up and I've come away, I'd like to think, knowing a little more if not actually being much wiser.

First off, I've learnt (much to my horror) that about that thing, that time in China (the other one, not the thing we shall never speak of), Steffi was right. I was drunk. not badly so but definitely affected. Note to self: no matter how thirsty I am, never take a swig of her alcoholic drink.

Lesson two was the FBTs don't give you wedgies. It's always annoyed me that the school PE shorts were so bloody uncomfortable. I can understand wanting to make all the girls look like shapeless sacks in their PE attire (ok, actually, I can't) but cutting the girls shorts exactly the same way as the guys'?!?! That's not a decency issue; it's a basic 'where the f*** were you when they were handing out brains' issue. Clue: girls have wider hips than guys and less baggage in front. Therefore, shorts need to be cut differently between genders. Thank haevens the PE department listened to all the whinging the girls have been doing and got new shorts. I'm not a fan of FBTs myself but I can appreciate no wedegie.

Item three's just disturbing. SAM'S STALKING ME.

Okay, he's not. He's just talking to a classmate I used to walk home and talk alot with and it's really creepy since he now has access to wierd stories like the time I dropped my Spidey bottle in the mud and cleaned it off on my skirt. I assure you such a course of action made perfect sense then. And still does...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


You Are 38% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

So, I'm not really evil but what little evilness I have is insidious.Hmmm...

How do I get eviler? Kill villagers? This is so Fable the Lost Chapters... And every monster I kill makes me less evil... Which is a pain in the ass when you're trying to get horny (evil character grows horns. get your mind out of the gutter.) And yes, I have played the game twice so why am I even blogging about it? Maybe because I wanna talk about Halo. Or more specifically, RvB.

OMFG. RvB. Watched episode 99 last night (second last! WHY?!?!) and everything's tying together nicely. It's just kinad wierd though 'cause Tucker's acting smart. Tucker? Smart?!? (I swear this incredulity has nothing to do with the fact he's black. He's just such a lazy bastard usually.) And Church hit something with the sniper rifle? No f-ing way man. Miracles do happen!

Though I gotta admit, the thing with Tex at the end is kinda confusing. And it looks like it's tying in the main Halo story line.

Speaking of the main Halo story line, Caboose is the MC!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Okay, this is bizzare. I should run away.

Oh, no class party (sad) and I couldn't go anyway if there were. Damn being grounded.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

those goddmn bastards! they ate everything!

So, in my (non-existent) June hols life, something fun and interesting has actually happened (other than that sad, lone spoectra outing which was a blast): the termites have invaded my parents' bedroom. Quick back story: we've been having a wee bit of a termite infestation that was found by yours truely in the book shelves in the corridor outside my parents room some two months ago. We removed the shelves, threw out a whole bunch of books *cries*, sprayed the whole lot with termite powder and found out more about the internal structure of a termite nest than I think should be healthy. And no, we did not find the queen. Yes, my dad did get bitten by some "soldier" drone or something and yes, we did have to rip out bits of the floor boards and skirting. Also, termite colonies make strange scratching noises and a weird pattering sound like rainfall on a tin roof (only much softer).-

So after we found a bunch in my brother's ed frame (and the bathroom door), we thought we were safe. The tyranny of the termites was over! (hey, that was aliterative!) Only... it isn't.

My mom found a whole bunch behind the TV! O.o So the second half of my morning was spent cleaning up termites and helping chisel up bits of the floor. Fun. :)

Oh my god I need to get a life.

I never thought I'd say this, but I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START. Clearly four weeks of undiluted time in my younger brother's company is starting to get to me.

Oh, and the termite guy's coming some time next week.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Yay, random post!

Okay, not a random post. This has a purpose, a definition, a... brain blew. Can't think of another word for purpose.

Mmm, wanted to do a linky thingy. Here goes: YARGH

So it's a picture of Cheng Jie with his *coffcoffcoff* uh... bankai. Yeah. Red and I shall be spamming this picture all over the place (read: our assorted blogs and Cheng Jie's) and hopefully this will not result in one or both of us being dead when we next meet Cheng Jie.

[Don't kill me! I have so many more people (read Steffi) to annoy before my life is complete! Also, Halo 3. Can't die before that. And don't forget Spidey 4! Which will hoepfully redeem Spidey 3- but I digress. Why does everything turn to Spidey? Or spectra...]

Now I just need to plan something for good ol' Stoofles' birthday...

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Nobody move; I dropped my brain

So, final birthday bash count is assortment of text messages (credit goes to Red for the earliest one; I received it at 12:01 June 1st), Venom Carnage (comic), Marvel 1602 (hard cover comic ohmygodthesexiness) and watching pirates 3.

I love Jack Sparrow! It's the way he runs. And talks. And makes absolutely no sense even while being so very sensible.

Uh, right.

The funny thing about pirates 3 is that I think i actually enjoyed it more than Spidey 3- treason and heresey (misspelt that) I know, but true. Both suffer from similar complaints of having simply gotten too big for their boots. Too many characters, no real, believeable plot, bad pacing (draggy at bits- though found pirates sufficiently entertaining) and overly-reliant on brilliant CGI to bring in the crowds. Yet pirates was better. Why? Really better? Or somply better because we expected less from it?

My theory: we expect more from Spidey because it's Spidey. There's a gold-mine of plot to bring to play, enourmously three-dimensional giants of characters and consultation with Stan th' man in movie production. And Riami calls himself a fan.

On the other hand, pirates is a totally new thing. A whole 'nother ball game (thanks Red for waking my brain up to the smell of idioms in the morning). New series, different purpose, different history (it was a Disney ride before the movie for pete's sakes; what were you expecting for brain thrust?) and it saves itself with its humour and characters.

As much as it pains me to say this, Jack Sparrow's a much better character than the movie Spider-Man.

Why the hell doesn't the silver screen Spidey blow our ears off with his back-chat?!?

Right... officially done being rabid for now a will go do... stuff.