Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Bad Feeling...

There's no way i can break this gently so I'm just gonna out and say it:


As you can probably guess, I watched Indy 4 today (Every time I say that I think Bollywood; I don't know why.) with Grace and Reena. It was... fun. Entertaining. But then I must say I went in with virtually no expectations other than wanting to see Shia and the Hat. Though the ending was BAD. Even for my miniscule expectations... If you've got a good telly, one of those movies better for watching on DVD I think...

Unless you want to hear Indy stealing Solo's line that bad... yes, 'I've got a bad feeling about this.'

I should probably do a bit of an update on actualy shite happening in my life since this isn't a movie-review blog... So uh, yeah... here goes: Got offers from NUS FASS and NTU Sociology, think i'll go with FASS, am teaching at a day-care which is tiring if fun, busy reading Darknet (A little outta date but vaguely terrifying in what it reveals about American copyright law) on those bus rides to and from work and hopefully I'll actually finish it so that i can go and read my dad's book on the black Swan theory and some weird comprehensive guide on American history he also foisted on me; my dad's actually got pretty good taste in books, as in they're not the boring type... that sounded so shallow somehow...

Uh, I don't really know how that last sentence got hijacked in to a long, wierd rant... Usually a good sign to, well, sign off.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Deeply Moving

Whelp, I've gota free moment and type-itchy fingers so I guess I can throw up a proper review of Iron Man now. :) And after those fiascos we call Spder-Man 3, Fantastic Four- Rise of the Silver Surfer and... actually every single Super-hero movie other than the latest Batman one, it's great to finally have a proper Super-hero movie on the market. (Yes, I'm lambasting the Spidey movies. I know, I raved, but once the buzz of 'ohmygod,aspider-manmovie!!' had worn off and I cast a jaundiced eye back, I realise two things: web-slinging scenes aside, they're not that great- and Tobey McGuire is a very special kind of ugly and chinless.)

I was never a big fan of Iron Man. A guy who gets all his powers from a suit? How lame is that? What if disaster strikes and he's not wearing the suit?? (Yes, I would have made a great supporter in the pro-mutants movement...) And then the Civil War arc came along and he got Spidey to reveal his secret identity... Well.

But in this case I'm willing to cast aside my usual snobbery and dissociate the movie character from the comic one. Because really, how can you not like Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark? He plays the character so very well (and looks disturbingly like him), from the eccentric 'drive-everyone-from-your-board-to-PA' nuts to the sudden change realization of what exactly his weapons are used for today, it's all very much believable. There's also plenty of moments for giggles as he displays a very boyish learning curve with his Iron Man equipment. (I won't go in to the details but let's just say it involves a Road-runner-esque moment where his face is enthusiasticly introduced to the wall/ ceiling.)

The big finale though was a little dissapointing in that Stark's suit wasn't running at full-power. So rather than a real men-in-robot-armour throw-down, we got Stark getting smacked about until he outwitted the other guy. While such a victory might be more in keeping with the brains-over-brawn theme of the movie, I miss the eye-candy.

Right, last point in this far-too-long post: am I the only one who picked up the socio-political commentary about how the powers that be sits on their asses unless it behoves them to get involved? Yes, I'm talking about the bit where Iron Man flys in to Afghanistan to kick some terrorist butt after seeing it on the news. Interesting how the US government has firepower in the area but doesn't get involved until they get a bogey on the radar which really scares them in case the terrorists are air-borne. After what's been going down in Myanmar, the picture this depicts is... unsettling. While I suppose no government owes it to the rest of the world to play playground monitor and sacrifice their own people and resources to do it, such an expectation doesn't sit well with the moral posturing the USA's always thrown about. It doesn't go down so smoothe either with the surprisingly loud idealist in me who's been shouting 'why can't we all just get along?' for the last... oh, six years or so.

So anyway, here's to Iron Man, a kick-ass movie that's deeper than those turds in the review section of The Straits Times give it credit for.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Meandering #3

I think this is the 3rd of my 'meandering' posts... And it's labelled as such because I'm not really sure what I should be blogging about. I guess I'll start with this:

Likey? CtrlAltDelt has an animated version. Not as good as the comic but not too terrible either. I have no idea why but I find the theme song strangely addictive.

This was going to be a longer post but I just remebered I have some transcription work for my mom in the wings so I'm off.

And watch Iron Man. It beats any of the Spidey movies pants down. Alas.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My other car's a Decepticon

Yeah, so driving's cool. My Dad finally let me stick an Autobot sticker on his car. :D

Only my younger brother and eight-year old cousin think this is as cool as I do... huh, funny. Still, it adds a little more perk to the fact that I gotta wash it too...

Anyway, My brother talked me in to running over a caterpillar with the car today... it's a long-ish story... remind me to get it out some day.