Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Bad Feeling...

There's no way i can break this gently so I'm just gonna out and say it:


As you can probably guess, I watched Indy 4 today (Every time I say that I think Bollywood; I don't know why.) with Grace and Reena. It was... fun. Entertaining. But then I must say I went in with virtually no expectations other than wanting to see Shia and the Hat. Though the ending was BAD. Even for my miniscule expectations... If you've got a good telly, one of those movies better for watching on DVD I think...

Unless you want to hear Indy stealing Solo's line that bad... yes, 'I've got a bad feeling about this.'

I should probably do a bit of an update on actualy shite happening in my life since this isn't a movie-review blog... So uh, yeah... here goes: Got offers from NUS FASS and NTU Sociology, think i'll go with FASS, am teaching at a day-care which is tiring if fun, busy reading Darknet (A little outta date but vaguely terrifying in what it reveals about American copyright law) on those bus rides to and from work and hopefully I'll actually finish it so that i can go and read my dad's book on the black Swan theory and some weird comprehensive guide on American history he also foisted on me; my dad's actually got pretty good taste in books, as in they're not the boring type... that sounded so shallow somehow...

Uh, I don't really know how that last sentence got hijacked in to a long, wierd rant... Usually a good sign to, well, sign off.

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