Saturday, June 16, 2007

those goddmn bastards! they ate everything!

So, in my (non-existent) June hols life, something fun and interesting has actually happened (other than that sad, lone spoectra outing which was a blast): the termites have invaded my parents' bedroom. Quick back story: we've been having a wee bit of a termite infestation that was found by yours truely in the book shelves in the corridor outside my parents room some two months ago. We removed the shelves, threw out a whole bunch of books *cries*, sprayed the whole lot with termite powder and found out more about the internal structure of a termite nest than I think should be healthy. And no, we did not find the queen. Yes, my dad did get bitten by some "soldier" drone or something and yes, we did have to rip out bits of the floor boards and skirting. Also, termite colonies make strange scratching noises and a weird pattering sound like rainfall on a tin roof (only much softer).-

So after we found a bunch in my brother's ed frame (and the bathroom door), we thought we were safe. The tyranny of the termites was over! (hey, that was aliterative!) Only... it isn't.

My mom found a whole bunch behind the TV! O.o So the second half of my morning was spent cleaning up termites and helping chisel up bits of the floor. Fun. :)

Oh my god I need to get a life.

I never thought I'd say this, but I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START. Clearly four weeks of undiluted time in my younger brother's company is starting to get to me.

Oh, and the termite guy's coming some time next week.

1 comment:

Caleb Liu said...

I sympathize. I would shudder to think about the effects of a termite infestation on my beloved library of 1,500 plus books.....