Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Statistically Gay

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Well, alot's happened since the last post. Spider-Man 3 was fab. Bit draggy at some bits but the fight scenes were fab. I only wish they could have fleshed out Venom more. The whole movie was just too packed, so it got draggy and the character development wasd patchy in spots. but I shan't say any more so I don't spoiler it for all you people who DIDN'T WATCH IT ON THE FIRST DAY. Hah.

Favourite quote: I like being bad. It makes me happy.

DT says we have to step down from Spectra exco somewhere in term three. T.T I knew it was coming but I still can't imagine JC life without Spectra! It's been an inegral part of my ACsperience- even when you-know-who was in power. (No, it's not Voldemort.)

We did a quiz in GP class today to see how masculine or feminine we are. I had the least feminie results out of all the girls. Even Red got higher than me... According to the survey results, I'm statistically obligated to be gay. Freak-eh. I'm more "manly" than Cheng Jie! I don't think that's actually something to be proud of though...

Hmm, lots of emotional stuff on Monday but I don't think I'm gonna talk about that. (Other people emo-ing, not me. I'm nice and steady despite my lack, sorry, absence of sanity.)

I have a chem test and a math test next week. And an INK submission due. I'm gonna DIE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.