Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Well, I had my first guitar ensemble class on Saturday. While I love the way the whole thing sounds (it's so fun playing in a group! I like how if I get lost, I can sit there and be quiet and nobody notices. :p Don't play well under pressure...) The only thing is... Roachy and I are the oldest kids there and the aerage age is... twelve?

Dear God, I hope I was never such an obnoxious little turd when I was that age. I'm pretty sure I wasn't but just in case I was, I'm eternally greatful my parents never inflicted me on a guitar ensemble class. Hopefully I can switch to the Sunday class... though it does mean I won't get my usual teacher. Blargh.

Did my LAST 2.4 TODAY. 15:03 minutes. It's not brilliant, it's a C and I have a vague suspicion Cheng Jie can't understand why the hell I'm not aiming for a better timing... What can I say? Running bores me; though I really should get back to skating. Before my wheels decompose from lack of use- again. Just the five-items left now and I think I'll gun for a. "A" for all of them. Just to prove to muself I can and also because this is the last year.

Oh gawd, I'm blogging about my NAPFA, how wierd is that?

Then again "weird" is a very relative thing. And I KNOW I can't spell.

Do you have a zombie plan? Mine is to hide in a basement with lots of tinned food and go "glarghhhblarggghygragh" any time zombies come by. Also I will not bathe so as to smell convincing.

Speaking of bathing: Hikikamori. Probably misspelt that too but it was an interesting thing we watched for GP.

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