Saturday, April 28, 2007


Today's been... interesting. But nowhere as near as interesting as Tuesday's gonna be. :)

From Spider-Man at noon to math tuition at four then rounding up the day with dinner with the extended family at seven thirty. I have just one thing to say:


My mom called me a dorky fan. I am so insulted. I can't help it that Spidey's sooooo uber cool. and before anybody says it, I'm NOT a Tobey fan! I hate him. hatehimhatehimhatehim. with his weak chin and pasty face. UGH, he's awful for Spidey. He was alright for the first movie coz' Spidey didn't start out uber buff and cool but the beauty of the series has in part been Peter Parker's metamorphesis into a pretty cool guy even if he started out a dorky nerd. Tobey has unfortunately stayed dorky.

Too, why is Eddie Brock not mega-buff? The whole point is the Symbiote enhances your existing strength. And Venom was stronger than Spidey in part because Brock was always a muscle man. I know he wasn't in ultimate Spidey and that's more I wanna gripe about. Honestly, I miss the gritiness of the old, traditional Spider-Man. Things like Maximum Carnage, Kraven's Last Hunt, the Goblin saga, the Clone saga, House of M... It feels like Ultimate's pussy-footing around it. But then again... ultimate Spidey is for a different time, a different generation, a different world.

The way I see it, it seems that the big favourite for the old school Spidey was psycho paths and the end of the world. Now... the psychopaths, the possible end of civilization as we know it, that's all real. 9/11 changed alot of things. So now the new generation of Spidey (and really, most of Marvel) (I'm talking about the ultimate series) is focusiong more on the "what happened before the world blew up". Sorta the changes that led to the storm I guess.

Or the ultimate folks may have just decided they want a more kid-friendly thing. Maybe Ultimate Spidey will get darker as it gets older and "grows up" as a series but right now, it's alot of teen-angst. But it still rules.

Though I really, really miss old-school Carnage and Venom.

Wow, and I thought I couldn't do long posts...

Oh yeah, found Cheng Jie and Sohpia's blogs. :) From Stoofy of course.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Friday again and I gotta admit, Spectra really helps to keep me sane. It's that little something I look forward to that makes the end of my school week less boring and heck of a lot of fun.

We got a new traditional artist today. A guy. He hasn't run away screaming yet so maybe he'll last.

My little cousin is trying to eat things off the floor. I think I better go stop him.

Oh yeah, had a fun "bitchin'" session with Stoofy today. :D

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Two posts in one day; it's the "new-blog-rush".

I'm starting to remember why I don't stick to blogging; it's too damn depressing to read everyone else's posts.

Still... time to grow up I suppose and that probably includes learning to deal with other people's emotional baggage. It's not like these people aren't my friends anyway. And if I'm happy to deal with it in real life, I suppose I can take a little online angst too.

Well, that's it from me for today. Now to stop my younger brother from whatever the hell he's doing on the back roof. It's making a heck lotta noise...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New Beginnings

Frankly I've lost count of the sheer nember of blogs I've started and abandoned. Hopefully this one will actually survive.

There's something that makes people good bloggers and, well, whatever it is I'm pretty sure it's safe to say I ain't got it.

Still, I'm here so hopefully this will actually work...

Yesterday was the school trackand field meet. After ten years of St. Nicholas sports days, what happened yesterday was a sad and pathetic excuse for any kind of sports meet. As per normal, it didn't end at the projected time either. maybe if we didn't insist on having our sports meet at hat time of year where it rains every afternoon...

Still, it was pretty fun. Blue and I meandered off ti watch the last of the tennis match and after that we managed to find a couple of classmates.

And then we made a deck of cards. Out of Zocards.

And played with them.

M has sweaty hands. It makes playing slapjack... bizzarre.

Last year during the track and field meet, we played boggle with Caleb. Red and I beat him :) I kinda missed that yesterday. Still, at least we still got DT for our regular doese of insanity.

Speaking of which, anyone interested in a poainting of Sandman and Death? The going price to beat is a copy of all HCJC's GP packages.