Sunday, February 10, 2008

of headshots and things...

Well, I finally did it. I finally got off my ass, connected my 360 up and signed up with XBox Live. So yes, I'm now playing Halo online! Happiness. :)

Interestingly enough, people seem to be able to tell I'm a girl... And before you even do the whole 'duh, you're voice ain't manly' thing, there's a bajillion pre-pubesecent annoying, foul-mouthed, immature, stupid, noisy boys on XBox Live too. What is wrong with them?!?! Is there some kind of requirement that if you're a gamer under 14 you have to be utterly retarded??

Which is why I try not to let on I'm a girl... Being humped by other players in co-op loses it's appeal to me somehow...

Someone helped me unlock a coupla skulls though. :) So yes, there are nice people out there... But what really wierds me out is I found myself speaking mandrin into my headset to a guy from Taiwan... -_-U

Anyhow, my gamertag's S7R4T4, read: strata, and with some luck I'll be able to get myself a decent rep or something.

I'll do another post some other time to bitch about the lag on swords...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well that took you long enough. haha. come down to ACJC sometimes yeah? and persuade (drag) Grace down with you. I miss you guys.